Campus: London
Duration: 3 Years or 4 Years with Foundation
Available Starts: September, January
Tariff Points: 104 UCAS points
Institution Code: L63
3 Years - 1N22
Driving continual demand for specialist graduates, who both understand the theories of business and have practical experience of this fast paced workplace, Employment in the UK hospitality industry continues to experience significant growth and currently accounts for over 9% of the UK’s total employment, as well as contributing 10% of the UK’s total GDP.
The structure of this degree enables an understanding and evaluation of business concepts of management, whilst preparing graduates for the hospitality sector through the extensive use of case studies, guest speakers and off-site visits. This synthesis allows students to develop their knowledge whilst gaining commercial awareness and expertise within the industry.
The campus is located in the heart of London’s thriving hospitality industry which facilitates the university’s employability team in forging strong relationships and consequent employment opportunities for students.
The hospitality industry continues to develop at a rapid rate which means there continues to be huge demand for graduates who can demonstrate an in-depth understanding of business theory as it applies to the sector, together with relevant employability skills.
*All students enrolled onto this degree will be able to access free membership into the Institute of Hospitality. Uniting professionals, Promoting excellence, Facilitating learning.
Structure and content
See below for the modules which you will study:
Year 1
- Hospitality, Tourism and Events Environment
- Academic and Professional Skills
- Managing Quality in Hospitality, Tourism and Events
- Business Finance
Year 2
- Customer Service Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events
- Managing Human Resources
- Principles and Practice of Marketing
- Hospitality Management
Year 3
- Global Hospitality and Tourism Issues
- Business Strategy
- Leadership and Change Management
- Hospitality and Venue Management
- Undergraduate Major Project (Integrated Case Study)
Teaching and assessment
We’ll assess your progress through a variety of methods from coursework, group assignments, activity-based assignments and exams. You can expect to part take in on-going problem-solving activities, projects and presentations. You’ll also be able to access support material through our ARU Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
All assignments are designed with your career progression in mind and give you opportunities to develop and improve transferable skills employers look for.
Entry requirements
ARU London's standard offer is 104 UCAS tariff points from 3 A Levels, e.g. BCC.
Alternatively, ARU London asks for:
- Irish Leaving Certificate: BBCCC.
- Scottish Highers: BBCCC.
- BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma: DMM in a business-related subject.
- International Baccalaureate Diploma: 24 points.
Applicants studying for other qualifications should contact ARU London to discuss their circumstances.
We also welcome applications from mature individuals who can demonstrate appropriate, relevant work experience.
All applicants are required to have at least 5 GCSEs at C/4 or above including English and Maths. Students whose first language is not English and who have not previously studied in the UK are required to have IELTS 6.0 or equivalent.
Our published entry requirements are a guide only and our decision will be based on our assessment of your overall suitability for the course. We treat everyone as an individual which means we will look at your whole application including any relevant work experience and personal circumstances as well as your educational qualifications.
We encourage all students to consider their future when choosing what degree to study. We don't expect everyone to know what they want to do after university, but it is important that the associated jobs interest you.
Associated Jobs:
- Accommodation Manager
- Catering Manager
- Event Manager
- Hotel Manager
- Public House Manager
- Restaurant Manager
- Tour Manager
- Human Resource Officer