BA (HONS) BUSINESS MANAGEMENT WITH LAW | The University of Law Business School
  • Award BA (Hons)
  • UCAS Code N2M1 - 3 Year Course
  • N21M - 4 Year Course
  • Locations London Bloomsbury, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Nottingham
  • Duration 3 Years (full-time) / 4 Years (full-time with foundation year)
  • Next Start September 2020
  • Course Fees £9,250 (UK/EU) / £13,750 (International) per annum
This programme is designed for students who are looking to develop their business management knowledge along with an understanding of the legal framework that organisations operate within.

After covering the essential areas of business management during your first year, you’ll continue to develop these areas in greater depth in years 2 and 3 along with law subject areas.

After graduating you’ll have a variety of career options available to you, including roles such as a management consultant, business analyst, operations manager, or an entrepreneur.  

You may also consider furthering your studies with one of the following postgraduate options: Masters of Business Administration (MBA), MSc in Strategic Business Management or Chartered Management Institute’s postgraduate qualifications.

We have successfully accredited this programme with a professionally-recognised Chartered Management Institute qualification. Upon graduation, you will also receive the CMI Level 5 Extended Diploma in Management and Leadership. You’ll automatically become a member of the CMI for the duration of your course and one year after providing you with access to a wealth of resources and employability events.

This four year course incorporates a Foundation Year to prepare you for undergraduate study, by developing your business knowledge and study skills. You will also develop skills in: research, presentation, critical analysis, problem solving, team building and entrepreneurship.

BA (Hons) Business Management with Law - 3 Year dates 19-20
BA (Hons) Business Management with Law - 4 Year dates 19-20

We are delighted to offer our existing and future Business School students the opportunity to undertake a business Masters course on successful completion of their undergradute degree at no additional cost. This is truly unique, we are the first and only university in the UK to offer a free masters course based on your progression. It is our commitment to ensuring that we equip our students to take on the challenges of an increasingly competitive business world. For more information, please visit our Free Masters Offer page.

All modules carry 20 credits, apart from the Sector Specific Project / Sector Internship / Dissertation which carry 40 credits.

The programmes have a mix of common and specialist modules, with all first year modules being common across all programmes.


- Introduction to Finance

- Introduction to Marketing

- Introduction to Human Resource Management

- Introduction to Management

- Numeracy Skills for Business

- Academic and Report Writing

Introduction to Finance

The module gives you a basic understanding of a wide range of important financial accounting, financial management, and management accounting techniques that are relevant to businesses in today's competitive financial environment.

You will examine fundamental finance concepts and learn how to analyse and use published financial statements, giving you a basis for the Year 1 accounting and finance module.

Introduction to Marketing

You will explore the importance of marketing and its key concepts with this module, learning about how the practice of marketing influences competitiveness through the use of marketing principles and techniques. You will also learn how to analyse situations to meet organisational and marketing objectives.

The module explores the influence of the customer, the importance of market research, and the need for an integrated marketing mix to achieve marketing objectives.

More technical topics such as segmentation, targeting and positioning, strategic planning, and the application of marketing tools will also be explored along with the importance of a strong brand and a unique product offering. 

Introduction to Human Resource Management

The module gives you a good grounding in human resource management and its role in organisations. It introduces key practices and policies used in the management of people, including staff selection, performance management, and rewards and compensation.

The module will explore the main theories and concepts of human resource management, as well as examining how it can affect issues such as performance, leadership, and motivation. You will also learn about organisational structures and organisational change.

Introduction to Management

With this module, you will gain a foundation in management and will understand the issues faced by contemporary business organisations. It addresses important theories of management, the management process, and how it is affected by different contexts, cultures, and settings.

The module sets the scene for later modules in the management subject area; providing a strong foundation while covering the complexities and risks involved in management practice.

Numeracy Skills for Business

This module focuses on basic numeracy skills to develop your business mathematical knowledge, encouraging your confidence and appreciation of the subject. It will help you acquire a range of mathematical skills, particularly those that can be applied in the context of business environments.

It also enables you to analyse problems logically, recognise when and how a situation may be represented mathematically, and select an appropriate method to solve the problem. This module provides you with the mathematical knowledge necessary for business studies at undergraduate level.

Academic and Report Writing

This is a basic literacy skills module, designed to prepare you for academic study as well as enabling you to develop the skills that employers value in graduates.

- Essentials of Management

- Academic and Professional Studies

- Principles of Marketing

- Accounting and Finance

- International Business Environment

- Managing and Leading People

Essentials of Management

This module provides students with a foundation in the nature of management and key management issues in contemporary business organisations. It brings together important aspects of management and organisation theory, as well as giving students an understanding of process and how it is affected by the dynamic nature of the modern world.

Topics include planning, decision-making, organising, control, and innovation. Different contexts, cultures, and settings of management are also explored.

Academic and Professional Studies

This module prepares students for academic life, establishing an ethos of continuous personal and professional development to help them with their studies and career prospects. The module establishes the foundations for the skills required for successful university study and develops employability skills.

The principle focus is on identifying each student’s strengths and weaknesses by early diagnostic testing and helping them improve.

Principles of Marketing

Principles of Marketing gives an introduction to key marketing concepts, including segmentation, targeting and positioning, marketing research, and the application of marketing to the service and non-profit sectors.

At the heart of this module is the view that the customer is central to all marketing activities and the key to retaining customer loyalty is to add value to the product, brand or service offering.

After taking this module, students will understand why relationship marketing is crucial to the success of the organisation and see the relevance of the internal market in ensuring service quality. They will also learn how other stakeholders in the business environment can contribute to the success of the organisation.

Accounting and Finance

This module takes a critical stance in examining accounting and finance, giving students a broad understanding of the most important techniques and concepts relating to financial accounting and management.

The module examines fundamental accounting concepts and shows students how to analyse financial statements of companies, as well as key areas such as capital budgeting (investment), financing (capital structure), and pay out (shareholder compensation). 

International Business Environment

This module builds on the earlier concepts covered in Essentials of Management. It examines the key factors of international business, focusing on the most important areas for strategic choices in order to move forward.

Students consider three levels: the internal environment, the external environment, and the global context of business and organisational life. It also covers some basic economics important for managers.

Managing and Leading People

In this module, students are given a sound introduction to people management across the employment cycle. Students are encouraged to consider how managers can become effective leaders through motivation and shared vision, rather than control and rules.

The module focuses on leadership, analysing how international awareness, cultural factors, ethics, and some elements of human resource management can be applied.


- Leading Change

- Corporate Responsibility in a Global Context

- Economics and Global Trade

- Personal and Professional Development


- Contract Law

- Law of Organisations

All organisations need to adapt and change to thrive and respond to increasingly turbulent business environments. This module focuses on the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in this endeavour, examining the nature and impact of change in modern business organisations.

This includes types of change (internal and external), methods of managing change, and ways of evaluating change initiatives, as well as examining the nature of the manager’s role, and how different frameworks can affect management practice.

The module also considers issues of power and conflict, and how different cultural contexts might affect how change is managed. Finally, it considers the impact of change on the organisation.

The concept of corporate responsibility is central to all issues relating to businesses and their role in society. However, this means that terms such as corporate social responsibility, corporate citizenship, and sustainable business have become overused, losing their meaning and creating confusion.

However, students need to understand how global businesses impact on local communities and the environment. With this module, they will learn how to evaluate the responsibilities of citizens and corporations, and consider what should be valued in a post ‘credit-crunch’ world.

This module provides an introduction to the key concepts of economics including supply and demand, market structures, policies, banking and interest rates. Students will learn about trade theories and will be able to apply these to relevant examples. 

After completing this module students will be able to explain the key economic concepts, apply these theories in context, describe the impact of a range of government decisions on the economy, and discuss the phenomena of global interdependence and international trade, along with their impact on organisations. You will be able to identify trends in the economy and how they affect business planning and decision making. In addition, you will be able to describe the impacts of a range of government decisions on the economy.

This module helps students review and update their personal development plans, giving them the opportunity to further develop key management skills and helping to prepare them for their third year.

Students will have an improved awareness of their career opportunities and a better understanding of the skills required for successful graduate employment. They will also gain tools to help them audit their skills, plan their development, and develop individual career plans.

The module will help students apply for internships by highlighting the importance of effective CVs and covering letters, job interviews, and influential presentations.


- Sector Specific Project or Sector Internship or Dissertation 

- Global Leadership

- Strategic Management

- Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Additional (Choose one from)

-Companies: Governance, Tax and Insolvency

-Employment Law


Sector Specific Project or Sector Internship or Dissertation

This module combines both a sector project and an internship, enabling students to demonstrate the wide range of knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout the course. To deliver the sector project, students will work independently and effectively to manage their time. 

They will need to show an understanding of the commercial imperatives of successful report writing and demonstrate original thinking founded on research data. The internship gives students the opportunity to work in a business environment, supported by a nominated member of staff from the internship organisation and by a tutor from the University. Students will be further supported by the University’s extensive online resources that are specifically devoted to work experience. Students will also produce a business report and a reflective journal as part of this module.

Global Leadership

This module covers the following topics: the qualities of global leadership, leadership theory in the global context, cultural theory, organisational development and change management in a global context, leading international teams, along with the nature and status of globalisation. 

Upon completing this module students will be able to apply leadership to the global setting, and demonstrate how the concepts of cultural theory impact on effective leadership. You will develop data analysis skills, and will build an understanding of the role and function of global leadership in the contemporary workplace. You will be able to identify factors and trends in the global environment and how they affect leadership.

Strategic Management

This module offers an integrated experience of strategic management, linking academic theories and models with practice-related case studies.

Students will develop a good understanding of contemporary thinking about managing strategically, as well as improving their employability skills and ensuring they are identifiable to employers as potential managers.

Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 

This module covers the purpose, nature and importance of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in the contemporary organisation. It also explores roles within these areas across the business lifecycle and the approaches that can be taken such as design thinking, open innovation and serious play. It examines how to create, manage and integrate new ideas into organisations. 

Students will be able to argue the importance of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in organisations and formulate plans to encourage it in set business contexts. They will be able to explain the need for different approaches throughout the business lifecycle, and propose ways to integrate new ideas in organisations within different contexts. Students will develop data analysis skills, an appreciation of cultural issues, an ability to identify influencing factors and trends while understanding the roles and functions of creativity.

All of our undergraduate degree programmes are full time and available at our London Bloomsbury campus. In addition, many of our courses are now also offered at Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester.

This course is delivered in an interactive way, with learning taking place both in and outside the classroom environment.

In the Years 1 and 2, four contact hours per module per week are split between two 2 hour small workshops, so as to promote group interaction and facilitate personal support.

In the final year, three contact hours per module per week are split between an hour lecture and a 2 hour small workshop.

This means students should expect 12 hours of overall contact time per week in the Year 1 and Year 2, and 9 hours of overall contact time per week in Year 3.

Face-to-face learning is supported by online resources, including the Financial Times, case studies, simulations, learning videos, reading materials, online testing, and feedback. Students will receive their core textbooks free of charge.

In addition, all the University of Law Business School's programmes are supported by our Virtual Learning Environment: Elite. This is the first point of call for academic information, such as details of assessments, lecture sequences and online copies of all study materials.

Students also have access to our online library facilities and learning resources from the Chartered Management Institute, the Chartered Institute of Marketing and the Financial Times. These resources provide a range of professional and business based materials that represent the latest market trends, with sector-based articles and analysis reports.

The programme involves a considerable amount of group work and group assessment, and up to 25% of the assessment takes this form. The assessments are designed to meet the learning outcomes both academically and professionally. This involves seminars, workshops, tests, presentations, assignments, and exams.
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