David Game College is located in the heart of the City of London, close to some of London’s most iconic buildings and institutions. Founded in 1974, the college is within the Sir Cass’s Foundation building, one of the most prestigious and oldest educational foundations, dating back to 1748. The college offers a broad curriculum at GCSE and A level, as well as a University Foundation Programme and a vibrant EFL department.

The College moved to its current location at 31 Jewry Street, in the City of London in May 2017 and students can enjoy the benefits of modern purpose-built facilities, including three state-of-the-art science laboratories, two university-sized lecture theatres, new art rooms, library, gym, and a spacious canteen. Housed within a 60,000 sq. ft. building that was previously a central London university campus, the college affords plenty of space for students to enjoy student life.
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