MBA (Finance and Banking) | Amity University [IN] London
Intakes: October and February
Duration: 1 year full-time
Awarding Body: University of Bolton
UCAS code: 7104

  • Second-class bachelor’s degree.
  • 1 academic and 1 employer reference.
  • Applicants require a minimum of 2 years post-graduation work experience in a managerial or professional role.
  • We welcome applications from international students and from those with non-traditional educational or professional qualifications, who shall be considered on their own merits.
  • International applicants whose first language is not English require an Academic IELTS score of 6.5 with at least 6.0 in each unit.

This pathway combines business and management with the study of finance and banking practices. The programme is designed for finance professionals aiming to progress in their career and for students looking to pursue a career in finance or banking.

Students will learn techniques that will provide them with an understanding of key accounting techniques and concepts. Such techniques will include: Corporate Finance and Banking, which builds students’ knowledge of modern corporate finance and banking and Strategic Financial Decisions, which develops an advanced understanding of the principle theories and techniques of corporate finance.

The 60-credit dissertation module will also be based on a financial related aspect of business

These figures give an indication of how students learn and are assessed across the whole course. The weighting may vary from module to module.
МОДУЛІ ПЕРШИЙ СЕМЕСТР Прикладні методи бухгалтерського обліку Корпоративні фінанси та банківська справа Методи дослідження Стратегічний маркетинг ДРУГИЙ СЕМЕСТР Бізнес-стратегія Лідерство та управління персоналом Стратегічні фінансові рішення ТРЕТІЙ СЕМЕСТР Дисертація ДОДАТКОВА ІНФОРМАЦІЯ Для отримання додаткової інформації, будь ласка, звертайтеся до приймальної комісії.
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