Tourism and Hospitality (Dissertation Only) MSc | The University of Sunderland

12 months

Full time

£6,500 Tuition fee

£13,000 International fee

CID158 Course code

20 Jan 20 Next start date

You will build on your technical background while adding business and management skills. These include project control, supply chain management, risk management and quality optimisation. You will also develop the ‘soft’ skills of working with others and leading projects, including expertise in negotiation and collaboration, effective communication, handling conflict and politics, and managing change.

This course involves a real-world project that is supported by a sponsor and will include both a research and a practical element. It is an opportunity to impress not only your academic assessors but also potential employers.

  • The University hosts the Institute for Automotive and Manufacturing Advanced Practice (AMAP) which provides problem-solving solutions to manufacturers of all capabilities
  • You can network with employers through our local industry forums
  • Sunderland has been training engineers and technicians for over 100 years
  • Engage in real-world projects inspired by our extensive research portfolio

We use a wide variety of teaching and learning methods which include lectures, group work, research, discussion groups, seminars, tutorials and practical laboratory sessions. Compared to an undergraduate course, you will find that this masters requires a higher level of independent working. Assessment methods include individual written reports and research papers, practical assignments and the masters project.

Modules on this course include

Project Management and Control (30 credits)
Develop the building blocks of successful project management. Study topics such as project selection, feasibility, whole life costing and sustainability; the impact of risk, quality and people; effective monitoring and control to ensure successful delivery; and the use of project management software. Undertake an extensive case study/business game to develop your skills in team working and decision making.

Understanding Organisations and Systems (15 credits)
Explore how organisation and systems can be understood to help facilitate their design, change and management. Investigate various methods of organisational analysis and modelling, including both hard and soft-system modelling.

Commercial and Contractual Issues in Project Management (15 credits)
Learn about the importance of commercial and contractual issues in projects. Cover the role of Strategy and Strategic Management, Business Plans, Legal Issues, Commercial Relationships and Financial Management and Tendering.

Leadership and Management of Project Risk, Quality and People (30 credits)
Explore the role of leadership and people management in ensuring a successful outcome of a project. Investigate the issues and strategies in managing risk and quality and how these can be deployed to provide a successful project outcome.

Engineering Management Practice (30 credits)
Explore some of the issues facing modern engineering operations to include operations management and improvement, lean manufacturing techniques, supply chain management and development, maintenance strategy and development, condition monitoring and predictive maintenance.

Project/Dissertation (60 credits)
Using your research and critical analysis skills, draw on the knowledge you have gained during the course to address a real engineering problem or research question at the forefront of the discipline.

Entry requirements
We usually require applicants to hold a 2:2 honours degree in an engineering discipline or an equivalent professional qualification. We will consider applicants with a wide range of relevant experience.

Fees and finance
The annual fee for this course is:
  • £6,500 if you are from the UK or EU
  • £13,000 if you are from outside the EU

The MSc Engineering and Management course gives you the opportunity to work with potential future employers, creating real-world projects that will showcase the range of managerial and soft skills you will learn with us.

The course is designed to build on technical skills gained during undergraduate study, equipping you with skills in project control, supply chain management, risk management and quality optimisation that employers expect from applicants to managerial roles.

Work-based learning module
You can choose to undertake a work-based learning module, which will further enhance your employability.

As part of the course, you will undertake a project that tackles a real-world problem. These projects are often sponsored by external clients and we encourage and support you to find your own client and sponsor. This relevant work experience will enhance your skills, build up a valuable network of contacts and further boost your employability.

With a higher-level degree in Engineering Management, you will be well placed for roles in project management, engineering design, manufacturing, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, product engineering and more.

Career options
Potential management roles include:
  • Project manager
  • Design engineer
  • Manufacturing engineer
  • Mechanical engineer
  • Electrical engineer
  • Product engineer
  • Maintenance engineer
  • Engineering management provides good career prospects with salaries ranging from £30,000 up to around £80,000.
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